Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Underneath the Keys and Deep into the Frame

All I wana do is play
Play like a true musician
Play like I have all the time in the world
Oh, what I would give to be able to play like
I've been doing so my every day of my short life

I have the instrument
I have the fingers to play
I have the knowledge to learn
But I just don’t have the patience to wait
I have this story I want to share
I have it all down in my head
I want you to hear this
I want you to feel it
I want you to experience this as I tell it
But words can't explain it
Words can't be used to tell this story I am desperately trying to get out
I have to play this story
But when I used those fingers
To strike those keys
The sound that comes out
That sound, it's not me
That sound you hear it's not my story
That sound that you hear has no rhythm
That sound, it doesn't have the beat

That sound is a sound that no one can listen to,
For more than a few seconds
It's just monotonous
That sound is not my story…..

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