Sunday, May 30, 2010

Your Big Words Make my Brain Hurt

It was 5 AM when my alarm went off
I tumble out of bed and hop into the
Car I'm off to school when my cell phone rings
Its u of course in a jolly mood you say hey
I say hi
You start off all the things I do wrong
With your big words oh so very precise
About how I didn't sweep one spot on the floor
Or about how careless I was to leave a smudge on the glass kitchen table
And you go on about how "asinine" it was of me to do that

I try to keep my head up and carry on through the day with a
Smile on my face,
"be strong like everyone knows you to be no one can weaken u but yourself so fight that temptation of
dropping and stay standing to the heights you're at cause it's what makes u who you are. " were the
wise word from a decent friend, as I tried to make it through the week but at this age it can be
Challenging, the age where parents find it's the best age to yell and yap at you
Little do they know your hearing what they're say but not truly listening
But why listen if you're not going to have any input in the end
Oh how I can't stand to here you complain and mumble on about
How bad your life is because your kid slacks off when it comes down to the
Little things like cleaning, or missing a day of work to catch up on more important
Things…..well I know where I'm going with this I guess I just don't know how to end it
So what I'm really trying to say is sometimes the best thing to do is to lay off
Give a person some space to breath let people make mistakes so they can learn
From them although it’s hard because you might love that person a lot,
The best thing to do is let them grow from the knowledge that
They learned from themselves, so what I'm trying to say is nothing
About cleaning too much or taking off a day off work
It's about freedom for young adults
What are you teaching us if you're always nagging about things
That are less important than finishing school work?
What are you teaching us when you yell and start arguments?
You are just wasting your own breath and time
So stop bickering at us and let us make idiotic mistakes
Because 70% of the time we will learn from them.

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