Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Picture This

This world is picture perfect to you
But it has that affect on many
To me, well it's just acid on the outside
It's not too bad but I think the inside would be
More peaceful then what I see everyday
People are killed not by natural causes
But by others who murder for no reason
Who get behind the wheel of a car
When intoxicated and who harass others to the point where
They feel that there is no reason they should
Walk this Earth another day so what do they do?
They cancel out yet another person
Another person that will never be seen living again
Another person lost
Another family that will have to live without seeing the one they love
Grow to be successful
Another depressed human being
Another suicidal person
This chain-reaction will never
Stop until you stop
Until you see what you're doing wrong
Until you open your eyes and face the people
You've hurt and beg for their forgiveness
And even when they do forgive you
You'll be the one who has to look in the
Mirror everyday and live knowing that you have
Killed yet another human
So how do you prevent this from happening?
You think twice before you decide to
Say or do something that could possibly hurt someone
You think twice before you decide to "joke around" with a person you hardly know
You think twice about everything that could possibly go wrong because of one little thing you did
You think twice about all those things before you become yet another bully in this world
And maybe this world won't be perfect but another step closer to becoming just that.

1 comment:

  1. The horrors of our world are enough to take anyone's breath away. I am glad you ended your piece with the hope that people can change.
